
Dec 1998 - Dec 2024
Duration: 44 mins 6 secs
I have spent the better part of the last ten years studying and examining the doctrine of Replacement Theology which is the view that the New Testament church replaces or supersedes the nation Israel as the people of God. This topic was the subject of my Ph.D. dissertation along with two books I have written. As I made known in these works, most literature that examines the view that the church is the new or true Israel have used two designations—Replacement Theology or Supersessionism...
Duration: 59 mins 52 secs
Generally scholars of systematic theology and patristics are in agreement that the earliest view of eschatology in the Church is premillennialism. From the late first century until the time of Augustine in the fourth century, some form of premillenial expectation of Jesus’ return was either the dominant view, or held by a number of prominent leaders and theologians of the Church...
Passage: Luke 12:35-48
Duration: 50 mins 8 secs
My objective this afternoon is to advance the evidence and argue the case for a two-stage Parousia (this being one of the key words in the New Testament for the second advent of our Blessed Lord). But where in the New Testament does it say the Second Advent will be in two stages? ...
Duration: 46 mins 16 secs
Robert Daly, the Anglican rector of Powerscourt (1814-42) who was known in his day as the “Protestant Pope of Ireland,” moderated the first two of the famous Powerscourt Conferences held in the early 1830s. The transcription of one of his lengthy comments to the gathered group in light of what he had heard contains the following interesting section ...
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 15 secs
Please click on the “slideshow” link to view Dr. Wilkinson's slides from this presentation.