
Dec 1998 - Dec 2024
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:17
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 28 secs
Almost every dispensational scholar who holds to the pretribulational rapture has had to face what Charles Ryrie identified over 40 years ago as "the intellectual attack." In brief this attack, in one form or another, suggests that serious, critical scholarship has, for sometimes rather vague and other times very technical reasons, abandoned the notion of a pre-tribulational rapture. This paper deals with one of those supposedly technical reasons...
Passage: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 48 mins 11 secs
People always like to know when something is going to happen, whether it is a weekend of activities, a church service or a day at work; a schedule of events is always appreciated. The book of Revelation records a schedule of events for the period that is designated "The End Times" . The book of Revelation provides both a chronological and sequential record of God's final eschatological judgment which is also known as the Tribulation. Scripture does not provide enough detailed information to set dates for future events...
Duration: 1 hr 25 mins 31 secs
Duration: 1 hr 25 mins 31 secs
Mr. Gendron's presentation is included in the slideshow link below.
Passage: Ezekiel 40-48
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 33 secs
The future function of the millennial temple (Ezekiel 40–48) has long been problematic for dispensationalists in view of the finished work of Christ. Light is shed on this problem by noting the original theocratic purpose of Old Testament sacrifices. This purpose was functionally distinct from that of the redemptive work of Christ...