Fri, Jun 22, 2018
Literal Sacrifices in the Millennium
by Thomas Ice
One of the most commonly presented problems by critics of premillennial literal interpretation is found in association with Ezekiel' s temple vision (Ezekiel 40- 48). These rivals argue that Ezekiel 43:13, 27; 45:15, 17, 20 refers to the sacrifices in a would be future Temple as literally making atonement. This is true! The critics believe this to be a blasphemous contradiction to the finished work of Christ as presented in Hebrews 10. In fact, the "Bible Answer Man"- Hank Hanegraaff- called me heretical on one of his daily call-in programs because I teach that God will restore literal sacrifices in a millennial Temple...
Series: Articles

Literal Sacrifices in the Millennium

Dr. Thomas Ice

One of the most commonly presented problems by critics of premillennial literal interpretation is found in association with Ezekiel' s temple vision (Ezekiel 40- 48). These rivals argue that Ezekiel 43:13, 27; 45:15, 17, 20 refers to the sacrifices in a would be future Temple as literally making atonement. This is true! The critics believe this to be a blasphemous contradiction to the finished work of Christ as presented in Hebrews 10. In fact, the "Bible Answer Man"- Hank Hanegraaff- called me heretical on one of his daily call-in programs because I teach that God will restore literal sacrifices in a millennial Temple.[1]

Are these "problems" basis enough to abandon a literal interpretation of the millennial Temple, sacrifices, and our view of future prophetic events all together, as our opponents would desire? What is it about a literal interpretation of millennial sacrifices that one would call another heretical for taking the Bible at face value? I don't think so.

Like any so-called "problem" arising in the mind of an antagonists there are answers and the solution to their objection lies in the very details they believe to be the source of difficulty. In the process of providing an explanation, note the following facts and observations about the Ezekiel passage:

Dr. Jerry Hullinger has worked through all of the related issues involved in an interpretation of the millennial sacrifices and tells us the following:

. . . a solution that maintains dispensational distinctives, deals honestly with the text of Ezekiel, and in no way demeans the work Christ did on the cross. This study suggests that animal sacrifices during the millennium will serve primarily to remove ceremonial uncleanness and prevent defilement from polluting the temple envisioned by Ezekiel. This will be necessary because the glorious presence of Yahweh will once again be dwelling on earth in the midst of a sinful and unclean people.

Because of God's promise to dwell on earth during the millennium (as stated in the New Covenant), it is necessary that He protect His presence through sacrifice . . . It should further be added that this sacrificial system will be a temporary one in that the millennium (with its partial population of unglorified humanity) will last only one thousand years. During the eternal state all inhabitants of the New Jerusalem will be glorified and will therefore not be a source of contagious impurities to defile the holiness of Yahweh.[2]

Since all the sacrifices of Ezekiel relate to purification of the priests for Temple service, they do not specifically depict or represent Christ' s atoning sacrifice. The presence and purpose of sacrifices neither diminishes the finished work of Christ, nor violates the normal and "literal" interpretation of the prophetic passages. Nothing in Ezekiel 40- 48 conflicts with the death of Christ or New Testament teaching at any point. The supposed contradictions between a literal understanding of Ezekiel and New Testament doctrine evaporate when examined specifically.

The literal interpretation of the Bible and Bible prophecy stands, especially when one considers the fact that the critics cannot tell us, based upon a textual interpretation, what Ezekiel does mean if not taken literally. Instead of becoming an embarrassing problem, the millennial sacrifices issue becomes an argument and demonstration for consistent literal interpretation of Bible prophecy by demonstrating that the details of the text can only be harmonized with the rest of biblical teaching by taking them to mean what they say.

Although there will be millennial sacrifices, the focus of all worship will remain on the person and work of the Savior. The millennial Temple and its ritual will serve as a daily reminder of fallen man' s need before a Holy God and lessons about how this same God lovingly works to remove the obstacle of human sin for those who trust Him.

[1] Tape Recording of "The Bible Answer Man," broadcast of February 25, 1999. Christian Research Institute, Box 7000, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-7000.

[2] Jerry Hullinger, "The Problem of Animal Sacrifices in Ezekiel 40- 48" Bibliotheca Sacra (July-September 1995, Vol. 152, No. 607), pp. 281, 289.