Paul Wilkinson

Paul Wilkinson

Lives in Oldham, Lancashire (in the north of England)

Minister, Hazel Grove Full Gospel Church, Stockport, Cheshire

BSc in Mathematics and Statistics (University of York)

BA and MA in Theology (University of Manchester)

PhD in Religions and Theology (University of Manchester, 2006)

Council Member of Prophetic Witness Movement International (PWMI)

Author, For Zion's Sake: Christian Zionism and the Role of John Nelson Darby (2007) - an edited version of my PhD thesis, John Nelson Darby and the Origins of Christian Zionism

Research consultant for the documentary film The Destiny of Britain (Hatikvah Film Trust, 2007), released this year in the U.S. as The Cyrus Call, which tells the history of British Evangelical belief in the restoration of the Jews, prior to the issuing of the Balfour Declaration

Studied and taught at the International School of Holocaust Studies, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem Conference speaker and contributor to several Christian publications and journals (including Bibliotheca Sacra).

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Duration: 1 hr 27 mins 24 secs
Anyone who has tried to engage with the Holocaust/Shoah will appreciate just how difficult and draining, rewarding and sometimes oppressive the task can be. All kinds of emotions can be triggered that are not easy to understand and even harder to articulate, as I discovered first hand during my visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau and the sites of the other death camps in Poland some years ago. As a believer, seeking the Lord’s guidance and protection is essential in order to navigate safely through this unprecedented period of human suffering, and guard against becoming desensitized to its sheer horror by over exposure to film footage and graphic accounts. The Lord’s wisdom, and humility, must also be sought, especially when confronted with the precarious question — Why? ...
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 34 secs