
Dec 1998 - Dec 2024
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 46 secs

The heartbeat of the prophetic calendar beat in perfect timing until an event occurred that caused the heart to flat line for an undetermined period of time (Eph 3:1-7; Col 1:24-29). The stopping of the heartbeat was not fatal to God’s prophetic program for the Jewish people or the nation of Israel, but God’s program specific to Israel was paused and remains paused temporarily (Dan. 9:26-27). God, in His sovereign will, paused the prophetic calendar and inserted the current church age. The church age, as will be argued throughout this paper, is a temporary interruption to God’s prophetic calendar, which is specific to the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. When God completes the church age and removes the church age saints (1 Thess 4:13-18; 1 Cor 15:51-54) the prophetic timeline will once again start ticking as a heart that has once again started beating (Dan. 9:27).

Never before has the Christian church so desperately needed to reignite its mandate for teaching and preaching the full council of God. Specifically, the contemporary Christian church must vigorously teach the doctrine of eschatology with biblical and scholastic excellence, in a manner that is comprehendible to all Christians. ...

Passage: Deuteronomy 18:15-19
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 4 secs

One of the most significant messianic prophecies in Scripture is also one of the most neglected. I am speaking of Deuteronomy 18:15–19.

The Prophecy in Deuteronomy 18:15–19

In the preceding verses, vv. 9–14, Moses had warned the people of Israel against “the detestable things” (הַתּוֹעֵבֹ֣ת, vv.9, 12) the Israelites would encounter when they engaged with the inhabitants of Canaan, and especially against the evil practices of spiritism and necromancy. Then, in contrast to these Satanic and unreliable sources of truth, Moses looks farther into the future and relays the Lord’s promise of an absolutely reliable source of truth, greater even than that which Moses himself could provide. Listen, as Moses addresses the nation on the plains of Moab with this remarkable prophecy ...

Passage: Zechariah 3:8 & Zechariah 9:9
Duration: 1 hr 15 mins

The Author of Zechariah

In the wake of seventy years discipline in Babylon, with the prospect of reconstruction from the rubble of years, came a young Captivity-born prophet named Zechariah. Brought to the Promised Land by his grandfather along with the scant 50,000, this prophet became a beacon of light and hope for the returned exiles. Facing the frustration of threatening enemies in the Land along with the collapse of spiritual hope in ever seeing the temple rebuilt, Zechariah and his friend Haggai brought messages of encouragement and hope for the returnees then and for the future of restored Israel. ...

Passage: Hebrews
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 59 secs

Relevance of Hebrews to the Modern Reader

I once asked my great aunt, the Jewish missionary, Hilda Koser, to list what she considered to be the indispensable books of the New Testament, without which inclusion our theology and understanding of our faith would be deficient. Within the New Testament, my assumption was that one synoptic gospel along with the gospel of John and a fistful of Pauline epistles would be more than sufficient for establishing orthodox faith and practice. In my estimation, of course, Hebrews would be included in the shortlist of least essential books. Having struggled with the author of Hebrews’ complexity of expression, I could confidently affirm the book’s less than scintillating nature.

Imagine my surprise when my aunt expressed her opinion that perhaps the one indispensable New Testament book was the epistle to the Hebrews! ...

Duration: 1 hr 16 mins 40 secs
Our culture has elevated science to divine status. Even though the culture contradicts itself in believing in only relative truth, it routinely elevates scientific truth to absolute truth. There is a better approach to understanding the natural realm and science, than what is currently understood in the secular world. This paper will show that the secular view of the natural realm is inadequate. It will develop a biblical view and foundation for science. An understanding of Dispensationalism will be instructive. Ten points help demonstrate that the Sovereign Lord of the Bible has introduced different dispensations in His relationship with mankind in history and affected changes in the natural realm, sometimes radical changes. This will show that God is sovereign not only over history, but also over the entire natural realm. This has vast implications for scientific investigations. ...